
Mobile App Development Trends in 2022  

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Exploring different Mobile App Development Trends in 2022 for Business

Technology products are susceptible to change every year as customer habits and demands transform. Businesses must remain up to date with changes in technology and mobile app development to ensure that their web and mobile app products are working and still delivering results.

According to a McKinsey report, 84% of executives believe innovation is key to business growth success. Moreover, Business Insider found that the companies that sent the most updates received the highest ratings. When businesses aren’t innovating and keeping up to date, they risk falling behind their competitors. This blog post will examine the 2022 forecast for mobile application development, including the latest mobile app development trends and opportunities businesses need to know.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has repeatedly been making big headlines in the technology and development space. It continues to be transforming web and app development and should be taken into consideration when starting a mobile app development project.

AI involves creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human levels of intelligence. Some examples of commonly known AI are Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s virtual assistant Cortana, and Netflix’s recommendations based on customer usage statistics.

This year we may see more developers beginning to incorporate AI into their technology projects and others creating AI-enabled systems. These systems will be able  to learn from experience, discover meaning and exhibit an ability to reason. AI technology can be integrated to perform voice recognition or handwriting recognition.

Key impacts of AI in app development:

  • AI learning capabilities: solutions are gathered through trial-and-error learning and stored or recalled as required. Mobile app development that incorporates AI can personalise an individual user’s experience.
  • The ability to use enhanced reasoning through appropriate inferences to the situation will allow for improved problem-solving. Navigation apps or ride-sharing apps can direct users to shorter routes.


Trendforce reports that an estimated 660 million smartphones will have 5G capabilities by 2022. 5G is said to be 100x faster than 4G enabling a higher resolution and faster performance on many devices. An improvement in resolution performance will allow developers to build new features in technology products without harming app performance.

Key impacts of 5G on app development:

  • Greater user-experience.
  • Lower latency.

Mobile Wallets

5% of the UK’s Point of Sale (POS) transactions are completed through a digital wallet, making the UK the third-highest mobile wallet users in the world. A mobile wallet is a virtual wallet that stores card payment information on any mobile device. Users can conveniently make purchases with a mobile wallet.

Key impacts of mobile wallets on mobile app development:

  • Quicker purchase decisions/frictionless transactions.
  • Improved user-experience.
  • Enhanced security.

Augmented Virtual Reality

NFTs, DAOs, and Web3

Metaverse, metaverse, metaverse! The Facebook metaverse has increased conversations about the scope of augmented reality. However, it is not just the social media industry that will benefit from augmented and virtual reality. The sector around AR & VR is set to rise to $200 billion by the end of 2022. It presents excellent advantages in the construction industry amongst many other sectors, as it allows users to see the external world in real-time to project images onto it.

Impact of VR/AR on app development:

  • Improved user engagement.
  • Enhancing productivity.
  • Promoting customer loyalty.
  • Communication.

Super Apps

As per a recent PYMNTS study: 67% of participants would like to see their activities integrated into one place. Similarly, around 11% would like one app to help them manage their entire digital lives.

The super-app was first used to describe Tencent’s WeChat and is a web or mobile application that can provide multiple services like retail services, financial transaction processing, and entertainment. It can be all-encompassing self-contained commerce and online communication platform that offers an entire ecosystem of services shaped around users’ everyday lifestyle needs, using one integrated interface.

  • Interact with the broader market: The one-time log-in feature of super apps has proven effective with older, less technically savvy, and new customers.
  • Accessibility: Super apps can share data through different service areas and types of business. They allow companies to develop a better view of their customers.


Security vulnerabilities have increased with the continued use of mobile apps for business. The increased security risks mean that mobile app protection and testing is a priority in all the app development projects of 2022.

Key areas to consider:

  • Smartphone authentication.
  • Mobile malware.
  • Token identification.
  • Frequent testing.

Digital Innovation with Incepteo

We help clients grow market share and profits through consultancy and workshops that engender product and service innovation. Once ideas are shaped, we bring new and emerging technologies to the table to solve problems in new, faster, creative ways, ensuring that innovations can scale at speed.

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